Fahrenheit 451 for the Newspapered Headlines

Here’s a quote from Ray Bradbury, a favorite author, intended to inspire aspiring and/or creatively blocked writers, but the underlying bent is equally or more relevant for nerve-frazzled, sleep-deprived entrepreneurs in the wake of Wall Street’s continuing meltdown…

“If we listened to our intellect, we’d never have a love affair. We’d never have a friendship. We’d never go into business, because we’d be cynical. Well, that’s nonsense. You’ve got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down.”
Thinking about it, perhaps this quotation calls for the disclaimer car companies flicker momentarily in the footer of their speeding, swerving, screeching TV spots … “Professional driver on closed course.” Or better yet, “Do not try this at home.”

But, no. To jumpstart this economy across all sectors and reinstill a faith, if you will, in what’s possible and indeed necessary, now more than ever we need our entrepreneurs to be smart and steadfast. We even need our global corporations to occasionally think like start-ups; work lean, stretch dollars, build passion, reward loyalty, nurture innovation, and root up and leverage hidden opportunities.

Who’s with me? Call. Email. Skywrite. Megaphone from your rooftop. Time to build some wings on the way down. Onward. Upward.

Posted by: Colin Mangham