The Theory of Everything

Holistic marketing approaches recognize that ‘everything matters’. In my business, we view everything from a business card, to a website, to a product on a shelf, to a ten-minute troubleshooting session with a service representative, and even a friendly “hello” from the front door greeter at Wal-Mart as an important touch point in the delivery of a company’s service promise.

When a services business is not delivered via a machine or a screen, the human element is of cwal-mart.jpgritical importance. From a customer’s perspective, their encounter with service staff is arguably the most important aspect of the service delivery. That said, in my view the key factors favoring a strategy of employee empowerment are:

1. When there is any interaction between an employee and a customer
2. When the employee’s job/role/responsibility involves decision-making that can in turn shape the service delivery
3. Where synergies can be gained when a team of employees can be more productive and motivated to perform the service at or above the desired levels of quality.

More to come….

Posted by: Colin Mangham