Setting and Achieving Goals

Another key to empowering people is clearly defining what they are meant to do, what they should hope and, perhaps, expect to achieve. This is especially important when the employee is working within a staff of other service providers, as it helps to gain synergies from goal congruency across the team. The resulting cohesiveness can help to empower them to “pull their own weight,” a powerful motivator for many people, as well as ride a wave of camaraderie moving toward the same or similar goals.

51xawbna7cl_bo2204203200_pisitb-dp-500-arrowtopright45-64_ou01_aa240_sh20_.jpgFurthermore, service providers can ensure positive results, as Randy Pennington presents it in “Results Rule,” when there is “a set of organizational beliefs, assumptions, and values supporting a commitment to results, relationships both externally and internally, and accountability … mutual respect, cooperation, and a high degree of trust between individuals and their managers, teams and departments … [and] alignment of individual, team and departmental performance with the organization’s strategic business objectives.”

Posted by: Colin Mangham