I Am Legend

OK, so it was a safe bet that the new Will Smith/Warner Bros. sci-fi thriller would bank big over the weekend, but with a $76.5 million take at the box it’s the biggest December opening in history. Talk about boffo.1483305413_45b6cab968.jpg And just look at the likes that got leap-frogged: King Kong (version 3.0), The Chronicles of Narnia (not Riddick), the Fockers (meet ’em) and all three of the Lord’s Rings.

No doubt Smith is a veritable Ali in the theatrical ring these days, especially overseas; Entertainment Weekly even called him the “No. 1 movie star in the world.” But clearly he wasn’t really alone in New York. Warners et al. pumped a lot of bucks into promoting the flick. And I must admit that I Am Stoked to say that we, too, were in on the action (view our “I Am Legend” :60 spot, currently airing nationally, here).

Posted by: Colin Mangham