Speaking at Global Lava

Colin will be speaking on the topic of impact investing and social enterprises at Global LAVA in Century City this Friday, October 5, and bringing along two colleagues he’s working with in the space driving community engagement. Please check out the details below and join us if you can.
Global LAVA: Impact Investing – Global and Local
10/5/2012, 07:30
Century City Towers
2029 Century Park East
Level D, Conference Room A
Century City, CA USA
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Think globally but invest locally. Or…is this the other way around? Please join us for our upcoming Global LAVA monthly breakfast meeting on October 5th, which promises to be truly fascinating! As usual, our session is highly interactive so be ready to discuss the following three key topics:

Impact Investing & Social Entrepreneurship – can we make a good profit while making the world a better place?
Risk mitigation – what are some of the risks of investing in doing “good” overseas compared with local challenges?
Crowdfunding – is it a temporary trend or the next generation of entrepreneurial capital sourcing?

Please meet our distinguished guest speakers:

Colin Mangham – Strategist and business catalyst developing and marketing locally attuned business models that can be scaled for social impact worldwide. CEO & Founder of the Daily Brand Group, a leading innovation consultancy headquartered in Los Angeles. Has guided and supported the successes of global corporations (including +5% of the Fortune 500) as well as innovative start-ups and growth stage companies including Bio-mimicry 3.8, for which he recently served as acting Chief Marketing Officer. Has been an angel investor in more than a dozen companies and worked with clients in China, Europe, and the Middle East. More at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/colinmangham

Kóan Jeff Baysa – As the Chief Medical Officer for Medical Avatar, Kóan Jeff Baysa is a specialist physician, writer, editor, critic and curator providing medical oversight for the company. Networking the areas of philanthropy and funding, and of medical science and contemporary culture, he produces experiential forums that foreground factors affecting our perceptions of wellness and disease states, data presentation and visualization, and the impact of pharmaceutical, technological and design advancements. Kóan spends most of his time traveling internationally, and has worked in over 30 countries. More at: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/kóan-jeff-baysa-m-d/11/318/527

Mike Colosimo – Co-Founder of ThrdPlace,a web and mobile platform that crowd-sources community service and development projects internationally to empower anyone to be a change maker. It’s the first platform to bring for-profits, not-for-profits and individuals together to improve their shared communities. With its advanced networking platform and engagement tools, the company enables clients including Whole Foods, ESRI, and the United Way to engage community members to work together in crowd-sourcing the funds,supplies and volunteers necessary to build their communities.ThrdPlace was incubated at StartEngine, a major LA-based accelerator. More at: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/mike-colosimo/1/621/909

Organized and moderated by:

Victoria Silchenko, Ph.D, Chair, Founder and CEO of Metropole Capital Group, www.metropolecapital.com, organizer and producer of the Next-Gen

Entrepreneurship and Global CrowdFunding Forum on Nov 16, 2012 www.metropoleglobal.com

With the Invaluable Support of:

Sandro Monetti, Co-Chair, internationally acclaimed journalist, BBC contributor and creator of One Man Show : Clooney, Cowell, Pitt and Me: Amusing Encounters with the A-List www.sandromonetti.com

Helen Kolpakov, Program Manager, Manager of WellnessPro, www.wellnesspro.com

Len Lanzi, Executive Director of LAVA, www.lava.org

Beloved Sponsors: HKTDC, Canadian Consulate of LA