Biomimicry Professional Certification Program: Applications due April 26

OK, so obviously I’m positively biased and totally have the biomimicry bug, but I must say this is a fantastic program.

My own biomimicry certification was through the 8-month Specialist program – this post (and April 26 due date) pertains to the elder sibling 2-year program, a wonderful realization of Dr. Dayna Baumeister’s vision for innovative professional training that goes bone-deep in equipping practitioners including biologists, engineers, designers, architects, and business leaders to really make a major splash – or, if one prefers to emulate the Kingfisher, no splash at all.

I’m intimately familiar with and frequently a soap-boxing advocate for the value of Biomimicry Professional Certification. It’s highly immersive, and primarily focused on shaping and advancing full-time careers in and around the discipline. Now, I should also mention that I was recently the Chief Marketing Officer for Biomimicry 3.8 and its Institute. In that role, I helped further develop the program and communicate its career-advancing and, seriously, life-changing benefits.

But what’s really prompted my sharing this here is that over the past couple of years I’ve worked closely with and been instructed by some amazing people (including Sherry Ritter and Doug Paige) who have been certified as “BPro’s” and are applying their biomimicry skills to drive significant change I’ve witnessed firsthand.

I’m including an excerpt (below) of an intro provided by the Biomimicry 3.8 Institute. Please check it out. If nothing else, the stories from some of these professional practitioners (see the embedded video) can be quite inspiring.


It’s 8:00am and you are wide awake from a speed boat ride that took you across the sapphire-colored waters surrounding Central America. When the boat stops, you are staring at an island so untouched by mankind that you wonder if this is a movie set. Your instructor tells you to put on your goggles because there a few thousand fish she would like you to meet. You dive in, expecting to be jarred by the cold, but are greeted instead with bathtub-warm water and underwater creatures you have never seen in your life. Class has just begun.

Next Friday, April 26, marks the last day to apply for the Biomimicry Professional Certification Program. The globally renowned program is a part-time, two-year, master’s-level course designed to empower change-agents who are passionate about a world mentored by life’s genius. Biomimicry 3.8 is doing what no other design, engineering, business, or sustainability program is offering: delivering a deeply immersive experience while learning from some of the most spectacular biomes across the planet. We are thrilled to share with you more information about the dramatic ecosystems you will visit as part of the Biomimicry Professional Certification Program. (“BProfessional”). It was designed for people like you, designers who are serious about learning and applying biomimicry to new products and services.

[Video overview above. I (CM) produced and even shot most of this video while on retreats in the forests and marshlands of Essex, MA]

Over the two years you will travel from the mountains of North Carolina to African plains of Botswana to the bioluminescent waters of Vancouver, Canada, and three other locations (like Costa Rica). We hope to see your name among the applicants, and, more importantly, to meet you in Montana in the heart of the Rocky Mountains for our kick-off session this September.

To read about the program in full, see our website.