Goodbye Lennon

Hard to believe, though it’s stating the obvious, that John Lennon was gunned down 27 years ago today, and by none other than Holden Caulfield (sic).  I know I’m breaking Yoko’s rule that we should remember John on the day of his birth not his death, but it’s hard for me not to remember December 8, especially as it comes right on the heels of that other Day that Will Live in Infamy.  Anyway, some  lyrics from the 2006-09-01t082214z_01_nootr_rtridsp_2_ouken-uk-leisure-venice-lennon.jpgDouble Fantasy LP (1980):

Before you cross the street
Take my hand
Life is what happens to you
While you’re busy making other plans

Before you go to sleep
Say a little prayer
Every day in every way
It’s getting better and better

Posted by: Colin Mangham