Iconoclasts Redux

icono_216×138.jpgThis is the third season of the series. Last season a favorite of mine was the pairing of actress Isabella Rossellini with Dean Kamen, who invented the Segway. (You can download this episode and others on iTunes for a buck-ninety-nine.) One thing that really resonated with me in a total Daily Brand sort of spirit was this quote from Kamen:

“I think sometimes the press or the media expect when you have a choice between what’s politically correct and what’s correct, you go with what’s politically correct … and I can’t do it, I can’t do it. When I said people should get water that’s pure and healthy everywhere in the world, and they should get it now, they shouldn’t have to wait 20 years to build infrastructure, people will depend on historical precedent to say you’re wrong instead of depending on current technology. The technology development is easy … changing people’s attitudes is really hard. That’s the problem.”

If you’re here reading this, you know that he and you and me and anyone else like-minded and committed to making even the tiniest quote-unquote difference on a daily basis is the solution to that problem and many more. Hats off to him and you and us and them. Godspeed….

Posted by: Colin Mangham