Not Just a Drop in the Bucket

I attended an inspiring charity event this past weekend for an organization called Drop in the Bucket. Great group, apparently a well-oiled and highly cost-effective non-profit, and they “do good stuff,” as emcee Annie Wood put it with a sparkle (ding!) in her smile.

The gist? They’re generating some healthy donations to build water wells in Uganda and (soon) other areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, primarily to get that good stuff to children there. To give you a taste in their own words (albeit before I implore you to click-click-click through their website), here’s a crib straight from the home page:


This is some seriously good stuff. And if you’re not familiar with the Roundabout Pumps that enable children to have a little bit of fun while bringing the water to dusty pales on the surface, that’s reason enough to check out Plus, it’s not just about clean drinking water, but also appropriate sanitation. Snapshot: This is a world in which a teenage girl can miss two weeks of school a month simply because she’s menstruating and it’s hygienically unsafe for her to leave home.

Please visit their site and at least sample a few of the richly detailed stories from Africa.

Posted by: Colin Mangham