AskNature Nuggets

I developed the AskNature Nugget video series for the Biomimicry 3.8 Institute while I was their acting Chief Marketing Officer, and produced the first nine videos  in the series, including my own neighborly rendezvous with a giraffe (Episode 5). My favorite is Janine (Benyus) on the Pistol Shrimp (Episode 2).

These remain some of my favorite accomplishments with this team including Sherry (Ritter), Lou (Ghaddar), and Andrea (Leggitt), who came up with the Nugget idea and directs these each month. They’re good, quick and fun case study bits on biomimicry, totally in morsel form, short and sweet. Each one explores “How does nature (blank).” Check ’em out at Daily Brand Media and Biomimicry 3.8.